BMW V8 S65 C.S. Racing 2014 season
2014 season, CS Racing with the BMW M3 V8 S65 engine with 600+ Hp built by KMS Racing Engines and a Pectel ECU.
2014 Danish S-GT and overall Danish Championship winner
Padborg open 03-05 - 04-05 2014:
1st race -
2nd race -
3th race - 1st place
Ring Djursland 31-05 - 1-06 2014:
1st race - 2nd place
2nd race - 2nd place
3th race - 1st place
Padborg open 28-06 - 29-06 2014:
1st race - 1st place
2nd race - 1st place
3th race - 1st place
Ring Djursland 16-08 - 17-08 2014:
1st race - 3th place
2nd race - 3th place
3th race -
JyllandsRingen 29-08 - 31-08 2014:
1st race - 3th place
2nd race - 1st place
3th race - 1st place
Rudskogen 13-09 - 14-09 2014:
1st race - 1st place
2nd race - 1st place
3th race -
JyllandsRingen 27-09 - 28-09 2014:
1st race - 2nd place
2nd race - 2nd place
3th race - 2nd place